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Move Planning Tips

Our moving professionals have written a complete and easy to use moving checklist to help you plan your move overseas.


  • Prepare a detailed valuation of your effects to move for insurance purposes (based on replacement value  at destination).
  • Dispose of any effects that you do not wish to move overseas.
  • Begin reducing your supply of frozen food.
  • Check that all passports are valid for the dates of your move overseas.
  • Check on vaccination requirements and arrange for if necessary.
  • Make arrangements to open bank and credit card accounts at destination and request bank and credit references for use overseas.
  • Obtain your family’s medical and dental records and notify the medical authorities that you are moving overseas.
  • Check regulations and organize the moving of pets.
  • Notify your bank of your move.
  • Advise any life insurance companies of your intentions and arrange continued payment of premiums if required.
  • Advise MOVERS if you wish to move shotguns or firearms to your new location. Current security regulations throughout the world require that shotguns and firearms, be transported separately from your household goods move and personal effects.
  • Schedule your removal date with MOVERS. NOTE: More lead time may be necessary when moving in the summer Months.
  • Ask for final electricity, gas, water and telephone bills and arrange disconnection if required. Do not     arrange disconnection of your telephone until the end of the last day of the move so that we can maintain     contact.
  • Cancel subscriptions (or arrange forwarding) of any magazines, Book clubs, Newspapers etc.
  • Notify your children’s school and arrange for school records to be forwarded to the new school.
  • Notify MOVERS of your contact address and telephone number in the PAKISTAN and overseas after you move out of your home.
  • Notify MOVERS of the delivery address (if known), and advise of any possible access difficulties and parking regulations.
  • Arrange full insurance cover for moving your household effects.
  • Cancel all rental agreements, memberships, etc.
  • Locate marriage and birth certificates.
  • If you are a returning resident, locate your inbound moving packing inventory (this can be useful if not necessary for customs clearance).


  • Ensure that you have labeled everything to be moved clearly, i.e., AIR/SEA/STORAGE/DO NOT PACK, etc., for our packers, MOVERS will provide you with stickers.
  • Put to one side all personal items that you will carry with you (i.e. passports, documents, work permits, purchase invoices for new or valuable items, jewellery, money, airline tickets, clothing and toys, etc.). Make sure that you take enough clothes to tide you over until your airfreight move or sea freight shipment arrives. Please note that unaccompanied airfreight moves often takes 7 to 8 days to arrive.
  • Make arrangements with your neighbors to allow enough parking spaces for our vehicles on the day of the move.
  • Re-confirm air tickets and flight details at least 48 hours before departure.
  • Return any rented or borrowed items, e.g. library books, videotapes, etc.
  • Advised your newsagent/milkman of your move and requested a final bill?
  • Ensured that all items on loan are returned?
  • Ensured that nothing remains at the dry cleaners or repairers?
  • Have all operator manuals for your electrical items ready to be packed.


  • Pack a bag with a change of clothes and essential toiletries. Include a survival kit for the other end: light bulbs, toilet rolls, candles, screwdriver, matches, paper towels, cash and a note of important telephone numbers. Put this box in the boot of your car.
  • Do last minute laundry. If you plan to store for an extended period, keep back clothes for the opposite season.
    Ensure that the keys for your new home are going to be available.


  • Empty, defrost and dry out your fridge /freezer if you are planning to store for any period of time. Foodstuffs cannot be moved into storage.
  • If we have quoted to move your freezer with contents (over a short distance), place the contents in polythene bags so that
  • they can be lifted out quickly to facilitate the movement of the freezer.
  • Make sure any packets; bottles or jars are sealed with tape to prevent spillage.
  • Pack valuables and documents and put in a safe place.
  • Resolve parking problems. Sort out lift access if you live in flats.


  • Arrange for refreshments for the next day, bearing in mind that your cooker may be disconnected. Moving is hungry work, so pack a carton of tea and coffee, UHT milk, juice cartons, biscuits, fruit, cheese, and something easy and filling like Cornish pasties. Also include plates, cups, serviettes, cutlery and sharp knife. Don’t forget the kettle, a saucepan and a frying pan.
  • Plan the evening meal for move day. It may be easier to eat out.
  • Prepare plants for travel.
  • Get good nights sleep.


  • If at all possible, try not to arrange travel overseas on the same day as the move, as this will tend to add to the stress involved.
  • The team leader will introduce himself and his crew to you. Show the moving crew team leader exactly which goods are to be packed, pointing out items of particular concern.
  • Keep the kettle boiling and the biscuits flowing so that everyone is refreshed.
  • Strip the beds. Keep the linen in a box that travels with you so you can pull it out for the first night.
  • Our moving team leader will prepare a list of each packed item to be moved (e.g. ‘carton of china’ NOT a list of every item in the carton). This will be signed by him and you as a receipt for the effects being shipped. (Only for domestic & international movement).
  • Once the van is loaded, walk around the house with the team leader to ensure all items to be moved have been placed in the vehicle..
  • At your new home everything is unloaded and placed in the appropriate rooms and if quoted for, unpacked and unwrapped by the moving team.
  • Once you are satisfied that everything has been delivered and positioned in appropriate places, you will be asked to acknowledge this by signing the team leader’s delivery sheet, writing any comments you may wish to make.


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